Thursday, July 19, 2007

Calasanz First Circle Club

The Calasanz First Circle Club is not a new program. It is the resurrection of a one-on-one training program I started years ago. In the Calasanz First Circle Club, I go back to my roots as an instructor. It is where I alone control your training and progress. It is where you can challenge yourself to go beyond your greatest expectations with my personal support and guidance.

Martial arts mean different things to different people. To some it is self-defense; learning how to handle a violent confrontation. To others it is an exercise alternative, a way to work up a good sweat. Others like the competitive aspect and enjoy participating in tournaments. There is an exclusive group however, that sees the martial arts as a path to perfecting the self-physically and mentally. I have started this program for those of you who are in pursuit of this perfection.

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